After The Exit: Tad Fallows on Executive Health and Wealth Management

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In a recent episode of the After the Exit podcast, the hosts dive deep with Tad Fallows, Managing Director of Long Angle, into the complex world of wealth management and executive health following the sale of a company.

If you've recently sold your business and find yourself facing a myriad of questions about your newfound wealth, lifestyle changes, and long-term financial strategies, this episode is a must-listen. Gain invaluable insights and practical advice from someone who has successfully navigated the post-exit journey.

Key topics discussed include:

1. Executive Health

One of the key themes discussed is the importance of executive health. Tad and Ryan emphasize the need for regular annual checkups and the lifestyle changes that can stem from understanding one’s health better. They discuss the costs involved and the significant impact these health insights can have on their daily lives.

2. Goal Setting Post-Exit

Goal setting post-exit is another crucial topic covered. Tad and Ryan share how they set personal and professional goals with their partners, planned meticulously, and reflected on their progress two years after exiting their businesses. This structured approach helps maintain focus and direction during a time of significant change.

3. The Journey to Wealth

Tad’s journey to wealth is particularly compelling. He recounts how he bootstrapped a software company with friends, retained ownership, and eventually sold it to a strategic acquirer. The minimal compensation during the growth phase and the eventual financial payoff highlight the challenges and rewards of building a successful business from the ground up.


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4. Investment and Spending Strategies

Investment and spending strategies form a substantial part of the discussion. Tad and Ryan talk about their approaches to private equity and alternative investments, emphasizing diversification and risk management. They also discuss their spending habits, analyzing where their money goes and aligning their expenditures with personal values. From travel to children’s activities and dining out, they share strategies to manage and reduce unnecessary expenses.

5. The Role of Private Credit

A significant portion of the episode focuses on private credit investments. Tad stresses the importance of betting on the jockey (the fund manager) rather than the horse (the individual deal). He shares a case study of a sponsor’s successful cannabis lending strategy, illustrating the pitfalls of individual private credit investments and the benefits of relying on experienced fund managers.

6. The Fulfillment of Building Long Angle

Tad found a new sense of fulfillment with building Long Angle. He explains how he founded Long Angle to provide unbiased advice and community support for high net worth individuals, much like himself. Long Angle offers online discussions, live events, syndicated deal flow, and Trusted Circles, creating a robust support network for its members. Tad finds immense personal fulfillment in building this community, working with a small team, and connecting with members.

Listen to the Episode

This episode of After the Exit provides a wealth of information on managing health and wealth post-exit. Tad and Ryan’s experiences highlight the importance of community, strategic investments, and mindful spending. Listeners are invited to apply for membership to Long Angle and benefit from the shared experiences and insights of its members.

Listeners can find this episode of After the Exit on popular platforms such as Spotify, Apple, or directly on the website.

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The Long Angle Team

Scott Nixon is a Long Angle team member in the San Francisco Bay Area, with over a decade of experience in leading growth and operational strategies alongside founders and executives. He has successfully assembled top-tier teams for venture-backed companies, and managed a post-exit integration into a Fortune 100 company.

Connect with Scott Nixon on LinkedIn. If you are interested in learning more about Long Angle membership, click here.


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