The Trusted Community for Navigating Wealth
Empowering high-net-worth individuals with peer insights, authentic relationships, and curated investment opportunities.
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Unlimited Potential
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Power of Collective Growth
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Long Angle
Member Benefits
High-Net-Worth Peer Network and Community
At Long Angle, we understand the challenges faced by high-net-worth individuals. It can be difficult to discuss financial matters with your existing circle, but you want to get your advice from trusted peers without a product to sell.
In-Person Events, Virtual Workshops, and More
Experience connection through our live events and workshops. From dinners and happy hours to member breakouts, expert panels, and virtual networking events—we offer a calendar brimming with opportunities to engage and learn.
Trusted Circles: High-Net-Worth Peer Groups
Swapping ideas, discussing investment strategies, staying informed about various industries, and setting up your children for financial success— topics you can explore in our optional, moderator-led peer advisory groups.
Institutional-Grade Alternative Investments
Navigating the world of private equity can be daunting. Long Angle has successfully deployed over $250M, allowing you to invest in highly curated deals across sectors. Our flat fee structure ensures transparency and ease of investing.
BUILD Your peer network:
Join Our High-Net-Worth Community Today
Access a diverse network of like-minded individuals for confidential discussions, engage in live events and workshops, join expert-led peer advisory groups, and explore exclusive opportunities in private markets.