Alternative Investments For High-Net-Worth Individuals

Discover the dynamic world of alternative investments with this striking image of oil derricks at dusk, symbolizing the lucrative opportunities in commodities as part of a diversified high-net-worth investment portfolio.

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Table of Contents

  1. What Are Alternative Investments?

  2. Benefits of Alternative Investments

  3. Alternative Investments vs. Traditional Investments

  4. What is an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)?

  5. How to Perform Alternative Investment Research

  6. How to Optimize an Alternative Investment Portfolio

  7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  8. Conclusion

Leaders who have achieved seven-figures—high-net-worth (HNW) individuals—know that wealth is not built by following the pack but by pioneering a wealth-building path. They learn how and where to find lucrative alternative asset investments ahead of the curve and the crowds.

High-yield alternative investments stand apart from the holy trinity of stocks, bonds, and real estate, making them a worthy option for HNW individuals looking to maximize their portfolios.

With Long Angle, you benefit from HNW peers and expert resources for researching and discussing your investment options. When you’re ready to level up, apply to join our high-powered community of successful HNW individuals.

What Are Alternative Investments?

Alternative asset investments are income-generating financial vehicles other than stocks, bonds, and property. The following are just a few examples alternative investments, with new ones popping up from shrewd tech and financial minds all the time.

Private Equity

“Angel investors” and venture capitalists get in on the ground floor of potentially groundbreaking private companies, joining in the growth journey before they go public. As a less risky option, you can also invest in mature companies requiring capital.

Hedge Funds

These funds employ various tactics—such as leverage, short selling, and global macro strategies—to achieve positive returns regardless of market direction.

Private Debt

Offering loans to private companies or investing in non-public debt securities can yield higher interest rates than traditional bonds. Investors gain a steady income stream with less volatility than equity markets.


Commodities like precious metals, oil, and farm products offer a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation. Success is driven by supply and demand dynamics.

Agricultural Land and Products

Investments in assets such as land, timber, or infrastructure projects offer tangible value and potential for appreciation. As global demand for food increases, agricultural investments can offer both resilience against market downturns and a contribution to global sustainability efforts.

Tangible Assets

Tangible assets are physical objects—art and collectibles, including cars, yachts, wine, stamps—or other valuable things you can touch, acquired with investment value in mind. Art, vintage wines, classic cars, or memorabilia tend to appreciate over time (and you can appreciate them for their intrinsic aesthetic values). Practically, they reliably hedge against inflation.

Crpyto and Digital Assets

Blockchain technology offers novel investment opportunities in cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). While highly volatile and relatively risky, these assets have shown potential for rapid growth, with occasional windfalls. They appeal to savvy investors with a high-risk tolerance and a desire to be at the forefront of technological innovation.

An individual counting money with calculator, pen and cheque on the table.

Benefits of Alternative Investments


Diversifying a portfolio reduces overall risk. Alternative investments correlate less with traditional markets, providing a buffer against volatility.

Higher Returns

While increased risk accompanies alternatives, so does growth potential. Private equity, hedge funds, and startups come with the prospect of windfall gains.

Inflation Hedge

Alternative investments hedge against inflation. As the cost of living increases, these assets typically appreciate, safeguarding an investor's wealth.

Exclusive Opportunities

The road less traveled can provide opportunities overlooked on the retail interstate. From joining the investors in a promising startup's journey to acquiring unique art pieces, traditional or digital, these investments allow for experiences and gains not available to retail investors.

Tax Write-Offs

With the right strategies, alternative investments can offer tax benefits that enhance overall returns. Investing in real estate projects can come with depreciation benefits, while long-term holdings in private equity may qualify for capital gains reductions.

Alternative Investments vs. Traditional Investments

Alternative investments offer a different risk-reward profile than conventional ones and are less correlated to general market trends. They offer other benefits as well in terms of liquidity, accessibility, and overall impact.

Risks and Returns

Alternative investments may zig when the market zags, offering high returns even in downturns. It’s not either-or. A balanced and diversified portfolio should have both.


Stocks and bonds are easily bought and sold. Alternative Investments in private equity, hedge funds, or assets like art may require a learning curve and a longer commitment, locking in capital in exchange for potentially higher returns.


Traditional investments are generally more accessible. Alternatives may require insider knowledge or specialized expertise to navigate successfully. This complexity can be a barrier to entry, a gatekeeper preserving access for the bold with insider insight.

Portfolio Impact

A blend of traditional and alternative investments can create a more robust portfolio. This balanced approach can enhance returns and distribute risk more evenly, tailoring the investment strategy to suit individual goals and risk tolerance.

Focused group of professionals discussing over documents in a conference room.

What is an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)?

An Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) is designed to pool alternative investments for high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors, directing capital into a wide range of non-traditional assets. A wide spectrum of institutional-quality alternative investment assets is available to improve diversification and deal flow.

Structured for Diversification

AIFs help diversify HNW portfolios. By spreading investments across multiple alternative asset investment classes, these funds mitigate risks associated with traditional market volatility.

Regulatory Protection

AIFs operate within a regulatory framework designed to protect investors while fostering innovation in the financial sector. Regulations typically involve oversight of fund management practices, offering more transparency and security.

Partnership for Growth

Investing in an AIF is like partnering with fund managers with the expertise to navigate the complexities of alternative investments. They employ strategies to maximize returns, leveraging their acquired knowledge and networks to capitalize on lucrative opportunities.


High-Net-Worth Asset Allocation Report

Long Angle's annual high-net-worth asset allocation report presents the latest investment trends and strategies for portfolios ranging from high-net-worth to ultra-high-net-worth investors.

Access Annual Report »


How to Perform Alternative Investment Research

Here are some steps you should take before investing:

1. Start With a Solid Foundation

Research is the bedrock of a successful alternative investment. Delving into alternative assets requires a blend of market insight, due diligence, and an eye for emerging trends.

2. Define Your Objectives

Begin by clarifying your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. These parameters will guide your research and help you identify opportunities aligned with your wealth management strategy.

3. Dive Deep

Whether it's the art world, real estate, private equity, or cryptocurrencies, immerse yourself in the sector you want to invest in. Attend seminars, subscribe to specialized publications, and learn from leaders.

4. Leverage Experts

The complexity of alternative assets often calls for expert advice. Engage with high-net-worth investment advisors, industry experts, and consider joining a peer advisory group to gather insights and explore different perspectives on potential investments.

5. Monitor and Adapt

The alternative investment landscape is dynamic, with new opportunities and risks emerging regularly. Stay informed about market developments, regulatory changes, and global economic trends that could impact your investments.

6. Conduct Due Diligence

Thorough due diligence on each investment opportunity means examining the track record of fund managers or investment firms, analyzing financial statements, and understanding the legal and tax implications.

Four male professionals in a serious meeting with lanyards.

How to Optimize an Alternative Investment Portfolio

Building a profitable alternative investment portfolio demands more than just picking assets. You need to balance risk and reward while aligning with your broader financial objectives. For a deeper analysis of a balanced portfolio, consider Long Angle’s HNW Asset Allocation Report.

Here are some highlights:

Balance with Traditional Investments

While alternative assets offer exciting opportunities, they should complement, not replace, traditional investments. A well-rounded portfolio includes a mix of stocks, bonds, and alternative assets, each contributing to your overall investment goals.

Diversify Among Alternative Assets

Spread investments across alternative assets—such as private equity, real estate, hedge funds, and tangible assets—to mitigate risk and capitalize on different market dynamics.

Assess Fit and Alignment

Evaluate each alternative asset on how well it fits within your portfolio and aligns with your investment philosophy. Consider your liquidity needs, investment horizon, and how well the asset complements your existing holdings.

Consult Expert Advisors and Peers

Crafting a profitable alternative investment portfolio often requires niche expertise. Work with professional advisors specializing in alternative assets to gain insights into market trends, evaluate opportunities, and navigate regulatory landscapes. Long Angle members can join Trusted Circles, where like-minded HNW peers share their experiences and insights in a confidential setting conducive to building confidence as well as life-long friends and colleagues.

Regular Review and Adjustment

The alternative investment landscape is dynamic, necessitating ongoing portfolio reviews. Stay agile and ready to adjust your portfolio to market changes, new information, or shifts in your financial situation and investment strategy.

Embrace Innovation

Alternative investment portfolios may include a few “bleeding-edge” assets. Stay open to innovative investment opportunities, from emerging tech to new financial instruments, rigorously assessing and continually monitoring their potential impact on your portfolio.

Manage Risk

Integral to building a profitable portfolio is managing the risks associated with alternative investments. Implement strategies to mitigate these risks, such as using non-correlated assets to buffer against market volatility.

Focused man in glasses leading a team discussion at a work table.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s explore some common alternative asset FAQs:

What are Private Alternative Investments?

The term refers to investment opportunities unavailable on public exchanges, including private equity, venture capital, and direct real estate investments.

What are Stock Market Alternative Investments?

These include hedge funds, commodities, and derivatives, which provide exposure to the stock market but with different risk-return profiles than traditional stock investments.

What is an Alternative Investment Report?

An alternative investment report comprehensively analyzes non-traditional investment opportunities, including performance data, risk assessments, and market trends.

Can Real Estate be an Alternative Investment?

While property can be a traditional investment, certain types of commercial real estate or direct property investments may be considered alternative investments.

What are Retail Alternative Investments?

Some alternative investment strategies are accessible to broader investor classes. These include REITs, ETFs tracking commodities, or mutual funds specializing in private debt, allowing retail investors to diversify their portfolios with alternative assets. Wealthier individuals, naturally, can command greater opportunities and leverage.


High-net-worth individuals have access to opportunities unavailable to run-of-the-mill investors. As you integrate alternative investments into your portfolio, remember the importance of informed decision-making, due diligence, and strategic planning. Proceed cautiously, leveraging expert advice and research to navigate the dynamic investment landscape.

Long Angle’s Community offers an engaging and inspiring platform to connect with fellow HNW investors and access expert guidance.

Looking to expand your investment network?

Join Long Angle, a private community of high-net-worth investors. Together, we leverage our collective expertise and $30B in assets to access, diligence, and underwrite institutional quality alternative investments.

The Long Angle Team

Scott Nixon is a Long Angle team member in the San Francisco Bay Area, with over a decade of experience in leading growth and operational strategies alongside founders and executives. He has successfully assembled top-tier teams for venture-backed companies, and managed a post-exit integration into a Fortune 100 company.

Connect with Scott Nixon on LinkedIn. If you are interested in learning more about Long Angle membership, click here.


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